Cleanliness is next to impossible, apparently

I’m finishing up a year-long project that took up most of my available time and brain power. Now that I’m winding it up, my regular life feels like a vacation! Amazing, but I’m not sure I’d recommend it…

earring.jpgSo with my newly-found time I’m doing things like organizing the kids clothes/toys/other bits and pieces, and noticing astonishingly appalling lapses in my own personal hygiene!

I looked in the mirror this afternoon at the office — for the first time in a year, I guess! — and saw that my earrings were disgusting! I always wear the diamond studs I got for my 21st birthday, mumble mumble years ago, and they were filthy.

I almost ran from the building screaming, but instead I managed to keep my disgust to myself until I got home. Where I immediately checked with my friend Google about home-made jewelry cleaner.

1 part warm water

1 part ammonia

a good blop of liquid detergent

Swish it around and put your jewelry in. Duh, don’t add anything delicate, fragile, loose stones… I scrubbed my earrings with a toothbrush, and they turned out great. Highly recommended!

jeweljet.jpgBUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! I also found the most outrageous machine! Does it steam clean your jewelry or does it make espresso? Maybe it does both! Their website even has a video. It is so tempting, except for one thing… It costs $100!

So ladies, I’ve now saved you about $99.75. You can thank me later. ;)





2 responses to “Cleanliness is next to impossible, apparently”

  1. dianeinjapan Avatar

    If it’s okay by you, I think I’ll thank you now. That machine is such a thing of beauty, I was all ready to buy it and set it down on my–wait, where would I set it?

  2. Plain Jane Mom Avatar

    dianeinjapan: I’m so in love with that creepy-weird machine — I want one, but I know it is a sickness that will pass in time…

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