Every workday I pass the basket of evil. Every workday this year I have wished it dead.

basketofevil.jpgBut I want you to see it too so you can tell me something…

WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS? Do they think it is “nice”? Do they think they’re “helping people”? Can you “hear” the sarcasm in my voice through the use of “air quotes”?

I walk past this basket every time I get up from or return to my desk, and I haven’t had anything from it since before Christmas. But every single time I walk past it I give it the evil eye. And one day I will have my revenge upon it.






5 responses to “Every workday I pass the basket of evil. Every workday this year I have wished it dead.”

  1. Oh, The Joys Avatar

    I think bizness management classes teach people that this is how you make friends in the office…when you’re a big LOSER and no one is nice to you unless to mooch chocolate from you. Too harsh?

  2. MammaLoves Avatar

    That is PURE evil! It contains all my favorites too!!

  3. Jamie Avatar

    You have way more willpower than I!

    I am guilty of bringing in the leftover Halloween candy into work and dumping it in the break room. Cough.

  4. Robin Avatar

    I have candy in my office, and everyone knows where it is and that they are welcome to take some. That being said, it is not withing plain sight, so I am not constantly tempted by it. Also, so the students who come into my office don’t continually ask for some.

    Best of both worlds in my opinion. Although I guess it wouldn’t help people who aren’t as ‘out of sight, out of mind’ as I am.

  5. NtycnBoricua Avatar

    I feel you on that. It’s pure torture. If I put a dish like that on my desk, I’d eat it all myself.

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