Go Read It Today, Friday, February 2, 2007

Today’s GRIT is sponsored by Red Wine. No, I’m not drinking at 5am, you ass. I write these the night before. So thank god my husband is here to watch the kids, because, whee, you know… Now on to it.

YES, Andria, YES! I am SO with you on this! If the cops are calling me, it had better be official business. In fact, I believe that most of these call-drives are done by drones in call centers, and not actual cops. I will admit, though, that I get sweaty palms when I tell them to stop calling. I just wonder if I’ll hear the jackboots coming…

Cheeky Lotus has been doing some number crunching — next maybe she’ll do paint-by numbers?

Fie on you, vile Carmachu, you made me snort some of my one-allowed-glass-a-day screw-you-south-beach aforementioned Red Wine out my nose.

Over at electric boogaloo they’re all having a poorly-timed awesome day.

Poor BethGo is getting some constructive criticism from Aiden. Go share the love.

(Hey, were you a part of that whole Performancing Partners ad thingy? Well, you’re not any more.)


3 responses to “Go Read It Today, Friday, February 2, 2007”

  1. Oh, The Joys Avatar

    I’m with you on the cop calls.

  2. andria Avatar

    I got a speeding ticket this morning. No surprise, I was actually speeding, but I haven’t gotten a ticket in 20 years (yes, been driving that long) and I find it hard to think that wasn’t a coincidence. It was almost like he was waiting on me, his lights were already on. I am going to make my five year old answer the phone from now on.

  3. Karly Avatar

    “Am I on fire?” You made me snort my pepsi.

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