"Happy Halloween" (or "The post that will bite me in the ass one year hence")

tigger-halloween.jpgMan, this was a successful year of Trick or Treating for sure. I didn’t have to buy or make any costumes since everyone was happy with things we already had. No one had a meltdown at the end of the evening, and they all fell asleep less than 2 minutes after I tucked them in.

I realize I am tempting fate by posting this, but I just have to share my good fortune with y’all.

I hope you had a great evening too, but if not… just remember that I am doomed next year to not repeat this perfect night :)






7 responses to “"Happy Halloween" (or "The post that will bite me in the ass one year hence")”

  1. Princess Haiku Avatar

    I don’t see why moms can’t hibernate like bears. It’s a good idea. :)

  2. Elizabeth Avatar

    You had a great Halloween! We had cold, pouring rain, but the kids insisted on going out anyway, including Kaitlyn, who I pulled in the wagon. I fell asleep at 9:30.

  3. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Haha, well, maybe it’s like leap years and you’ll get one every 4.

  4. BirdieRoark Avatar

    OMG!~ We had the same experience. D was beyond well behaved – he was angelic. Even after eating his body weight in candy. I have a feeling Halloween 2008 will be more like the scary movie!

  5. Momo Fali Avatar

    Ah yes, things went well here too…until tonight and now everyone has a tummy ache.

  6. Moobs Avatar

    Shouldn’t you have saved all that good luck for the lottery?

  7. BOSSY Avatar

    Bossy had a great halloween too – her kids trick-or-treated with friends, leaving Bossy and her husband alone by the fire, answering the door. This was the first halloween spent at home in two-hundred-and-sixty-five years.

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