Hey you, "Book Meme" — get OUTTA my 'drafts'!!

100 million years ago Peggy, as she is tagged me on a book meme, so here we go…

1. One book that changed your life.

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (Dover Thrift Editions)

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott

In high school this book basically took my brain apart and put it back together again. It is written from the point of view of a 2-dimensional square who discovers the third dimension. Doesn’t sound funny or even interesting, but fantastically it is both! This is the book that showed me the power of writing and the value of perspective. Everyone approaches the world as a result of their life and their experiences, and the little square dude is no exception.

2. One book that you’ve read more than once.

Crossing to Safety

Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner

I’ve already blogged about this book before, but I couldn’t leave it out of the list. A wonderful book about friendships that span a lifetime. The last time I read this book was when Chip was born and in the NICU for 4 days. (As an aside, the first book I remember reading over and over again is Charlotte’s Web. Aw!)

3. One book that you’d want on a desert island.

I’ve got nothing scintillating or insightful for this category. The below books were considered yet rejected for being useful, but ultimately too pedestrian for this list. (Please note, however, that they are the books I would bring if actually to be stuck on an island!)

4. One book that made you laugh.

Thank You for Smoking: A Novel

Thank You for Smoking: A Novel by Christopher Buckley

So there are about a million books that made me laugh, but this one was really good. Buckley is a tight, original writer with great timing.

“Nick Naylor had been called many things since becoming chief spokesman for the Academy of Tobacco Studies. But until now no one had actually compared him to Satan.” Ha!

5. One book that made you cry.

Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born

Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born by Jamie Lee Curtis & Laura Cornell

I’ll come straight out and tell you that I’ve never read this book aloud. Just thinking about this book makes me cry. We adopted Mike in February 2002, and I just cannot get through this book. It is perfect. It is so sweet and genuine. I can barely write about it here because it touches me so deeply. I have to stop typing now because I can no longer see the keys.

6. One book that you wish you had written.

Why was this one so hard for me? I don’t know. But if I wait around to come up with the answer it will be another eternity before I get this post out of my ‘drafts’ where it has been taunting me for freaking ever.

7. One book you wish had never been written.

What to Expect When You\'re Expecting, Third Edition

What to Expect When You’re Expecting by Murkoff, Eisenberg & Hathaway

These sadistic fucks should never be allowed around pregnant women. They use guilt and intimidation to make you feel like you will give your fetus brain damage if you so much as eat a cupcake. The world doesn’t need more things to put pregnant women on edge! (Yeah, I know, “tell me how you really feel, Jane.”) And holy crap, don’t get me started on Ezzo!

8. One book that you are reading at the moment.

The Book of Fate

The Book of Fate by Brad Meltzer

[Yeah, read this one a while ago and currently I’m reading ‘Naked’ which you can see in my sidebar. Also a good book — review coming soon!] A pretty good read. Snappy dialog, and an interesting plot. Kind of a thriller/political-intrigue/masonic-riddle combo book. I’m about 2/3 of the way through, and it is keeping my attention quite well.

9. One book that you’ve been meaning to read.

Moby-Dick (Bantam Classic)

Moby Dick by Herman Melville

There are some classics that I managed never to read, and this is the one that surprises me the most. I went to a pretty classic private girl’s high school and then an ivy league university. Never did I even come close to reading Moby Dick. Someday!

10. Tag five others on this meme.
I tag: (1) anyone who was ever picked last at school, (2) moms, (3) dads, (4) procrastinators, and (5) anyone who has been waiting and waiting to get tagged on this meme because they love books and want to blog about them!!!





One response to “Hey you, "Book Meme" — get OUTTA my 'drafts'!!”

  1. Peg Avatar

    Hey! You did it!!!

    Cheers to you! I only just realized that you adopted your sweet (albeit, Plain, LOL) boys (boy, am I a distracted woman…duh!) and I see that you have books in the margin regarding adoption. My mom gave up my sister for adoption back in the 60’s. What a wonderful mom you are for educating yourself to the many sides of adoption. Your boys are so damn blessed to have you, it makes me weepy.

    So, I’ll change the subject!! My husband would love that first book Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions

    And I totally second you on the What to Expect books. Holy shit–don’t eat refined sugar when you’re pregnant, nor white flour or well–anything that is not 1000% all natural. And the unspeakable horror if you actually feed one of your children something of that ilk…egads. It’s amazing my little ones are still living and breathing…*rolls eyes*

    Oh, and you have to read, “Me talk pretty one day” by David Sedaris. Funny as hell! Laugh out loud funny! (Another margin books)

    OK, I’m off to catch up on your blogging…have a great weekend!



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