I have entered Mike into the Matrix. Just for him I chose the Red Pill.

So I did it. I registered Mike for kindergarten. There were no lines. I had the million pieces of paperwork I needed to show I really live here in this supposedly coveted school district, and it all went fine. It just felt so weird getting him into a computer in an official school building. I know, I’m a freak, but this has clearly hit a button with me!

But I know that Mike will love it.

He’s ready, he’s starting to get bored with preschool. He needs a new challenge. He’s going to be so excited about sitting in a desk, and having recess, and learning things in a different way from his play-based preschool.


Any issues I have about my crap years in school are going to have to remain MY issues. I don’t want to transfer my edu-phobia to him. Fortunately Mr. Plain loved school, did really well, is a total smart-ass, um I mean smarty-pants, and is going to be on homework-helper duty. But hell, ladies and gents, I don’t like this development!





5 responses to “I have entered Mike into the Matrix. Just for him I chose the Red Pill.”

  1. crunchy carpets Avatar

    Yep..I gotta go do that too. And SOON.

    No. 1 boy is turning 5 in May so he can start in September…sniff.

    That means a space for Caity in the pre school if she gets her ass potty trained!!!

    I am not that sold on our local school but they do some good things so we shall see.

  2. Bon Avatar

    you know, much as i do believe there’s good to be found in the school system (hell, i’m a teacher)…it still scares the bejeesus out of me that someday i’ll have to launch my child into that crapshoot of mixed messages and random injustice. and i’m not talking about the peer pressure…i’m talking about the adults, and the power structure of school. but then, it’s a crazy world out there, and i suppose launching them has to happen eventually. :)

    i hope Mike enjoys himself immensely.

  3. carmachu Avatar

    Next year. Next year sarah will have to register her for school……I’m dreading it…

    Good job!

  4. Beth Avatar

    Whoo hoo! Good for you. I remember when we signed mine up last year. It’s quite a feeling, isn’t it?

    It sounds like he’s going to love school.


  5. Robin Avatar

    Remember, deep cleansing breaths. You can do this.

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