I have felt like this for years about network news

Thank you SUEB0B for this fantastic call to action against the drivel that passes for news programming these days. I agree 100% and haven’t watched that crap in years. “Be very afraid” is definitely their mantra. Instead, I watch:

  • News Hour (PBS)
  • This Week with George Stephanopoulos (ABC)
  • Meet the Press (NBC)
  • Washington Week (PBS)

And that is all. These shows won’t scare you — unless there’s really something scary out there. They won’t waste your time. They won’t talk down to you. Stick them on your TiVo and flip through the stories which interest you.

I think Tim Russert is the finest living interviewer on the planet, with George Stephanopoulos coming in a close second. I admire Gwen Ifil’s brain, her bravery, her character, and her integrity.

I just don’t have the time to care about what Emeril is cooking, or another reason I should be shitting my pants over child predators, or the next thing that just might kill me or it might not but hells bells it makes for good TV, or the latest “lock bumping” / “magazine salesman” way I could die in my own home at the hands of nebulous evil.

If I watched this stuff I think I would never leave the house again.


18 responses to “I have felt like this for years about network news”

  1. coolbeans Avatar

    Every time I watch the news I ask myself, "Why am I watching this?" and "HOW is this news?"

    My son used to watch Good Morning America when I wasn't in the room before school. Every day he was worried about the next grave danger. It was ridiculous. I'd rather my kids watch Family Guy then GMA.

  2. Wendy Avatar

    You forgot about the WEATHER reports! Oh, disaster here! Oh, disaster there! Blizzard 2006, 2007, 2008…… Geez.

  3. Plain Jane Mom Avatar

    Yes, you're right. I am surprisingly still alive right now even after the news folks so kindly told me that CALIFORNIA STORM 2008 — AKA STORM OF THE DECADE was going to do me in…

    Although, the last of the 3 storms has yet to arrive, so maybe that will be the one which will finish me off. Too bad I'll be at the movies then — suckas!

  4. Laura Avatar

    I hear you! While I LOVE my job, I am a bit nervous about going back, you see, I analyze the news forthe Canadian Prime Minister and his staff. I do the over night news – so I have to scan through 9 news casts, 4 radio shows and 27 newspapers and report on federal content – and by doing so, I usually see the other CRAP! It breaks my heart in terms of what this world is coming to.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Jennifer Avatar

    Yes, yes, yes. I've stopped watching the "news" since it didn't actually contain any NEWS.

  6. Jamie Avatar

    Good for you! I subscribe to several newspapers for work. I have to say it's really nice to read the New York Times online. I avoid all the mindless primetime TV drivel that way. I also occasionally listen to NPR (when I'm not giving in to the listening whims of a 2 and 5-year-old.)

  7. manda Avatar

    I hear ya. The TV news is ridiculous sometimes.

  8. the amoeba Avatar

    I remember News. I also remember when the News took a look at the National Enquirer and its ilk. And they saw the Profits that the National Enquirer and its ilk were producing, and they saw that It Was Good. And the News asked of itself, "Where are our Profits? Why should we be doing News when it is clear that the People, and the Profits that they bring, are demanding the National Enquirer and its ilk?"

    We are the authors of our own distress. As usual.

  9. JayMonster Avatar

    I stopped watching the news for the longest time. Every so often, I peek back in to see what insane crud is being spewed on the Faux News Channel.

    Now I READ the news, or listen to NPR. News without the hype, or the political slants to everything.

  10. Iota Avatar

    Has anyone tried BBC News on BBC America? As a Brit living in the US, I have found that there are many things you do better over here, but I think the news is one thing that we do better over there. I really really miss good tv and radio news.

    Like you, I don't want to spend my life in fear.

  11. janelle Avatar

    Heehee. Say, have you read Russerts book? My husband loved it.

    I like BBC.


  12. Amy Avatar

    I have to admit that i'm guilty of network news watching, I wish I could tear myself away from the drivel that makes "breaking news" these days but I am deathly afraid i'm going to miss the one newsflash that is actually important to me.

  13. mrs mogul Avatar

    At the moment I only have time to watch PROJECT RUNWAY. Let fashion save the world!

  14. Momo Fali Avatar

    Good for you! The media makes everything the next worst thing.

  15. Elizabeth Avatar

    I flipped by this god-awful show called "Insider", with Pat O'Brien-I thought he got arrested for being a pervert or something. Anyway, they were doing a report about Britney and in huge letters on the screen it said "BRITNEY-IN CRISIS". Bum bum BUM! My god, there is a WAR going on.

  16. Aimee Greeblemonkey Avatar

    oh my word, I am soooooo with you. The sad thing is I have become less informed of late, because I have tuned EVERYTHING out. I just can't stand it anymore.

  17. Mimi Lenox Avatar

    Don't get me started! And now for your weather and sports.

    You've been royally tagged by the Queen of Memes. No Autographs, Please ~ The Band Meme

  18. […] know of my respect for Tim Russert, and this is a very sad […]

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