Imagine this said with a mad, scowly-face that is cuter than hell

Robbie was being cranky and stomping around the house. He was looking for words to express the pissed-offness he felt all the way down to the corners of his soul. So he busts out with “I want to talk to strangers!”

I think this is the 4-year-old equivalent of “fuck you and the horse you rode in on,” but I’d need a dictionary to be certain.

Mike, always the helpful big brother, says “if you talk to strangers you will be boiled into food. Do you want to be boiled into food? Then don’t talk to strangers.”

I’m in agreement with the conclusion, natch, but I feel like I need to find out what has been discussed at their preschool lately…





5 responses to “Imagine this said with a mad, scowly-face that is cuter than hell”

  1. Oh, The Joys Avatar

    Boiled into food! Nice one!

    (I think I’m first… did I win something? Kidding.)

  2. Plain Jane Mom Avatar

    Ha! (I am doing another contest tomorrow, though!)

  3. Deanna H. Avatar

    Big brothers can be so rotten. My little one is always coming to me in tears with the horrible things her brother tells her.

    …Just realized you have three boys. Wow. One boy is enough for me!

  4. Diana Avatar

    Oh my gosh, too cute! You should ask, what kind of food exactly it is he’ll be boiled into. LOL!

  5. Plain Jane Mom Avatar

    Deanna, having 3 boys is a blast. It is always a party around here!

    Diana, I’m thinking some kind of soup, but truthfully I’m afraid to ask!

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