Is this breathy voice still sexy when followed by my discretely coughing out a lung?

oz.jpgIt’s a good thing that blogging is a written medium because my voice is almost completely gone today. And along with it for the ride is my mind. I can’t blame not getting enough sleep on my cold, however, it is all Buffy’s fault. You know, the Vampire Slayer?

As you may know, Mr. Plain and I are struggling to catch up on lots of TV shows we missed over the past several years, and right now we’re on season three of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A show so amazing that it makes Seth Green seem hot, and that’s a great trick.

I AM LOVING IT! This is a great show! And I just love being able to watch it a million episodes at a time. Thank you Netflix, although could you please stop sending me DVDs that are cracked in half? I don’t have whatever fancy player you think I have that plays broken discs, and if we could just get that sorted out then we’d have a great relationship… Anyone else have this problem with Netflix? It drives me nuts.





5 responses to “Is this breathy voice still sexy when followed by my discretely coughing out a lung?”

  1. Jay Avatar

    It’s like you’re a fly on the wall in my house – I may never have mentioned Seth Green by name in my life before, but just yesterday my husband made me watch the Italian Job and I was like, damn, Seth Green is not hot.

  2. Oh, The Joys Avatar

    We watched six feet under this way. Every episode, in order. It was great.

  3. Beth Avatar

    Buffy is my favorite show ever!

    The show scary and funny and sexy and edgey and always consistently good. I just love it.

    Oh, I miss it so. It’s been years and I still wonder what those kids are up to. Tuesday nights will never be the same without Buffy.

    Have you gotten to the musical episode yet? It’s so good, I bought the soundtrack. Buffy is the best.

  4. Karly Avatar

    Buffy? Really? I loved the movie, but I didn’t like the series. How about Charmed? Now that was a good one! Just don’t tell people I watched it. They tend to look at me funny when I admit it.

  5. Her Bad Mother Avatar

    I was ADDICTED to Buffy while it was on. And Angel.

    And I own all of the DVDs. I make no apologies.

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