More folks going to nicknames-only

As I’ve said before, I post on my blog under the pseudonym ‘Jane’ and have given my kids the names of the boys from My Three Sons. I do this so that none of us turn up in google searches for our real names.

There’s a new trend right now to do the same thing due to more serious privacy concerns. Check out Queen of the Bad Mommies and 8 Centimeters Deluded for some details. Oh, The Joys is going through the tedious process of changing old references to her kids’ names to nicknames as we speak. (More power to you OTJ, but what a drag!)

I have been considering this post for several days, and frankly didn’t want to get in the middle of all of this. I don’t want shithead molesters emailing me or commenting on my blog because, well, they’re shitheads. But I really want to get the word out about this issue so folks can be thinking about it. I’m far from trying to get everyone to use nicknames, but I do think everyone should be aware of the issue and make an informed decision.

I think giving air-time to fuckhead molesters by posting their rants isn’t a perfect solution, but I’m very glad that these smart ladies are bringing this issue to the front. It is something everyone who blogs about their family should consider and then see where their comfort level is.


3 responses to “More folks going to nicknames-only”

  1. Oh, The Joys Avatar

    Oh what a drag indeed! Still, I think my husband is happier with it…

  2. Michael Avatar

    I’ve only just found your blog but don’t see the connection between your using aliases and giving airtime to “fuckhead molesters”.

    How does one relate to the other except in a very indirect way?

    It’s a real shame that people are having to resort to aliases but it’s a fact of our times that some people have to. It used to be a sign of coolness to go by another name online, now we have to deliberately hide from the fuckheads.

  3. Plain Jane Mom Avatar

    Michael — Your question about ‘airtime’: The blogs I linked to have posted emails/comments that some creepy people sent to them. The point I was making was just that if it were me I wouldn’t have let these people have a public voice on my blog.

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