My own little cat burglar. Aw, isn't he adorable. Wait, what are those cop cars doing on our lawn??

Upon our return, via an equally uneventful 13 hour drive home, I put off doing the mountain of laundry we had accumulated. When I finally got to it, it had grown to an epic size. I am pretty sure that every item of clothing we owned was in there, and I was reduced to dressing the children in the oddest outfits.

Imagine my surprise when I pulled the last load out of the washer and found this:

I stood in the laundry room with my mouth hanging open.

Want to know what I found? Check out my first post on the Silicon Valley Moms Blog!





5 responses to “My own little cat burglar. Aw, isn't he adorable. Wait, what are those cop cars doing on our lawn??”

  1. Oh, The Joys Avatar

    So, my e-mail account is not letting me RESPOND. GRRRR.

    But. The version of the quote you sent me is EVEN BETTER! We’re totally adopting that here.

  2. Plain Jane Mom Avatar

    Yeah, I think I’m going to, GASP, edit the original post to reflect it…!

  3. domestic slackstress Kim Avatar

    Lucky you, landing a gig with the Silicon Valley Moms Blog. You deserve it. I walked my 5-year-old over to the neighbors, a true walk of shame, to return some of the toys he pocketed on purpose without asking a while back. I made him return the lifted loot to their MOTHER and apologize. Too harsh? Probably.

  4. Plain Jane Mom Avatar

    Thanks Kim! And no, I don’t think you’re too harsh. Kids have to learn this stuff when they’re, well, kids.

  5. Maria P. Avatar

    I have to check my 3 yr. old’s pockets before I take her home everyday from childcare. They have plastic money there and she likes all money and all things small and round that kind of resemble money (like washers) and she’s been coming home with plastic money in her pockets.

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