I know being a stay at home mom isn’t all peaches and cream, but today it is really appealing. Please leave comments about how horrible it is so I won’t quit my 75% time job and bankrupt my family.

No pressure on you or anything.





8 responses to “SAHHHHHHHHHHM”

  1. Susan Avatar

    Okay, let’s see . . .

    Being a stay home mom is horrible because you spend the day with small children, who have the conversational skills of small children. Plus, they need their bottoms wiped. A LOT. And they’re forever asking for something to drink or a snack. Huh–except for the wiping part, I just described most of the adults I worked with before my kids were born. Go figure.

    But the wiping. The wiping! Being a SAHM is AAAALLLLL about the wiping. For that reason alone, you should keep working.

  2. crunchy carpets Avatar

    lets see……

    Think of your worst job and your worst boss and imagine working for him or her for free all day long.

    with no break and lots of unpaid overtime.

  3. Maria P. Avatar

    It is incredibly isolating at times. Certain people will treat you different because they’ll respect you less.

    Thats all I got… LOL

  4. Plain Jane Mom Avatar

    Keep it coming ladies. This is great! OK, so I’ll be covered in dirty wipes, feeding kids all day long, by myself, and people will think I’m a loser. This is helping… (not! :)

  5. Immomsdaughter Avatar

    I’m here to say Hi. I’m a FTWM and I’ve harboured an ambition to be a SAHM. But at the back of my mind, I’m worried I’ll loose my independance. I do not like asking for $$$ from the hubs and I love the ability to spend within my own income & not needing to feel guilty about it. I do not have many friends and my colleagues are a part of that circle of friends. If I become SAHM, I’ll be so alone. Geez, what the heck made me wanna be a SAHM in the first place???

  6. Melanie Avatar

    LOL These are good. Um, being a SAHM means endless questions from others like, “So what do you DO all day?” and even though you’ve been too busy to eat lunch, you just have no brain cells left so you say, “I dunno.”

  7. draupadi Avatar

    Yeah, being a SAHM mother means that you let go of anything and everything intellectual and stimulating in favor of reading the same story over and over like for a month….even Olivia gets mind numbing after you’ve read it over and over and over…

    Plus…no matter what…what you do is never really appreciated..not fully…it’s a lonely, thankless job that no one notices or really seems to appreciate.

  8. Plain Jane Mom Avatar

    Those were all great. Thank you very much. And most of all I appreciate that none of you slipped in any of the great parts of being a SAHM! For that I, and my bank account, are greatful

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