"Still" believing

Santa ClausToday Mike and I were alone in the car and he asked me if I believed in Santa Claus. I said “of course” and waited to see what he said next. He then listed a handful of kids in his kindergarten class who did not believe, and I commented on how sad that was. And he added “but all my friends believe in Santa.”

I told him how Santa means love and kindness and sharing. I also told him that he was old enough to hear about kids who don’t believe in Santa, but I hoped he wouldn’t mention that to his younger brothers. I asked him to help me let them just hear stuff that was OK for little brothers to hear.

I know this is probably his last year really believing, and I am sad that some doubt has been sowed in his mind. I’m hoping to at least be able to enlist his help next year in keeping Santa alive for his younger brothers.

The magic of bringing Santa alive in your heart is what Santa is all about. Mike made a cookie at school today and saved part of it to bring home and share with his brothers. I think he’s going to understand the next step of Santa-belief just fine.






10 responses to “"Still" believing”

  1. Annie Avatar

    Oh boy! He’s so young! Is that how young they find out these days?? :(

  2. Karly Avatar

    Kindergarten? Man, he’s young. My son is in second and he just asked about it this year when we studying animals and he realized that reindeer can’t fly. I think he knows Santa isn’t real, but he hasn’t actually said it yet, just asked a few questions. Kinda sad, isn’t it? They grow up so fast!

  3. Kelley Avatar

    When my kids asked about Santa I told them ‘Santa only brings presents if you believe in him’ which is true. You still get presents just a different name on the card….

  4. Assertagirl Avatar

    Next year you’ll be able to share the “secret” joy with him, too. I bet he’ll like helping with that. Merry Christmas!

  5. Jamie Avatar

    I’m so not ready for this…sigh.

    Miss C is 5 1/2 and still believes…I’m hoping no older kids spoil the fun for her for at least one more Christmas!

    Sounds like you handled this one great. I honestly think there could be an entire parenting book written about how to handle things during the holidays!

  6. Michelle Avatar

    Oh how sad, that breaks my heart. My kids are have just started believing in Santa. Nice response though, I have to remember that one.

  7. patois Avatar

    We made it until my eldest was in fourth grade. My daughter is now in fourth, and my youngest in kindergarten. My eldest is happy to be a part of the spirit of Santa. It’s nice to have him in the fold, but I’m sure I’ll be sad when the last one crosses over to the dark side.

  8. QofS Avatar

    this made me cry.

    and want to homeschool my kids

  9. super des Avatar

    My dad was the downtown Santa one year, and I didn’t stop believing even until years later when I caught my parents stacking the presents.

    But I like your ideas of goodness and joy.


  10. Diana Avatar

    You might get another year or so out of him. Don’t give up yet! My daughter is in first grade and she still believes, but after Christmas this year she’s been asking a lot of questions. She also told me about the kids in her class that don’t believe. I was much older than this when I quit believing. It’s so sad how quickly it goes these days!

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