Tag: google-reader

  • Get your Vimeo videos to appear in Google Reader

    You may have noticed that I recently started adding video to this blog, and I’m having a great time with it! One of the services that has made it even more fun is Vimeo. They’re like YouTube but they don’t suck ass. It’s a great looking web site, intuitable and just all around ‘good-feeling’ interface,…

  • What rocket scientist at Google Reader decided that 'mark all as read' needed a keyboard shortcut??

    I’m happily reading my feeds and I’m down to about 100 posts left when the puppy jumps on my lap. She scrambles around, gets her paws on my keyboard, and all of a sudden Google Reader happily pronounces that I have no more unread feeds. What the hell? I love Google Reader with a passion,…

  • Don't hate your Blogger friends

    Did you open up your Bloglines/Google Reader/Feed whoosit today and see a bunch of your pals with 25 or so new posts? No, it’s not NaBlowPoHo run amok. Google made some changes to blogger/blogspot blogs today and one of the effects was that everyone’s ‘feeds’ got re-published. All you need to do is make sure…