Tag: parentproductreviews

  • Go Read It Today, Friday, September 14, 2007

    If you know anything about serious migraines, please go visit Jazz. 10 days is too long. Go Beth! If that’s fat, then 95% of the earth’s population is obese. Britney is truly a trainwreck, but it’s sad not funny. Yes, yes, and yes. And I vote for this whackadoodle doing her grocery shopping at 2am…

  • Help a sister out. I don't want to look sad, friendless and alone!

    I’ve been keeping a secret from you all for, hmmm, a month or two now, but it is finally time to spill the beans. The fantastic Wendy Piersall of eMomsAtHome has just launched a new blog network for parents and I am so fortunate to be a part of it. That’s right, I have another…