Tag: tv

  • Remember Joey from "Friends"?

    I’m pretty sure the guy in this ad studied at Joey’s “Smell the Fart” acting school. But even if not, I don’t think he’s being “drawn” to that woman as the ad claims. It looks more like he’s just noticed she has a booger hanging out of her nose. Or a festering pustule on the…

  • A blast from the past that makes me smile

    I really liked the Drew Carey show, and the musical episodes were so great. The “What is Hip?” episode was another fave.

  • TV shows that have done me wrong

    I hate it when I find a new TV show I like and commit to watching it, only to discover that after about 5 episodes in they switch to the B-team writers. The characters I once found so funny / charming / clever are now insipid and stripped of all originality, and I have to…

  • Does the show "Angel" get any better? Is it worth my time?

    We’re currently catching up on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” on Netflix and LOVING it. We’re up to the beginning of Season 5 and they made some references to Buffy visiting Angel in LA, Cordelia working for him, and a few other things. So I decided to get the first disc of the spinoff “Angel.” We’ve…

  • I managed to watch American Idol within 24 hours of its actual air date. Wow!

    Lakisha: Excellent! I love that you look and sound like a twenty-something again. Chris S: Surprisingly off the beat and just crap. You’re good, what happened? Gina: Eh, I guess it was good. Kind of boring. Sanjaya: Buh-bye. Seriously dude, I gave you a pass last week, but now you must leave. And your hair…

  • Is this breathy voice still sexy when followed by my discretely coughing out a lung?

    It’s a good thing that blogging is a written medium because my voice is almost completely gone today. And along with it for the ride is my mind. I can’t blame not getting enough sleep on my cold, however, it is all Buffy’s fault. You know, the Vampire Slayer? As you may know, Mr. Plain…

  • Jon Stewart coming to Jack's Big Music Show! I am WETTING myself with excitement!

    Jon Stewart is going to be on the February 2 episode of Jack’s Big Music Show — a favorite at our house. He’ll play a reporter named Brunk Stinegrouber trying to get an interview with the Groundhog Day groundhog. “Ground Hog Day” – February 2 at 1 pm ET “Hip hip hooray, it’s Ground Hog…

  • First "Footballer's Wives" then what? Help me with my Netflix queue please.

    I’m waiting for season 3 of Lost and season 3 of Veronica Mars to come to Netflix. The next thing coming to us is the first 3 seasons of Footballer’s Wives, but then what? Help me people, what TV show should I catch up on next? Note, I can’t watch intense medical dramas and still…

  • Veronica Mars

    Just started watching Veronica Mars from the beginning. If I had seen this show when I was in high school it would have CHANGED MY LIFE!

  • Selling my soul

    I am a total “Lost” whore… We just started season 2 on netflix and I’m hooked again. WFT with the sci-fi turn? This is a very weird show, but at least it is better than most other crap on TV!

  • "Prison Break" I am your bitch

    Why oh why do I watch this tripe? I just can’t stop TiVoing Prison Break for the life of me. But these freaks… I just keep hoping they’ll all be caught one week so I can stop watching. At our house we call this the “Kansas City” phenomenon. We saw that movie with a bunch…

  • Yo, Rescue Pack! and other games

    My kids can make a game out of anything. As you know, we stood in line for-freaking-ever on Sunday for flu shots. When we got home I heard Mike and Robbie out in the yard: this is a really long line. the doctor is going to help us stay healthy this year. here comes spiderman!…

  • Brain Slugs

    “Lost” is like some sort of insidious brain fungus that works its way into your mind until you like it. Sigh, I’m actually enjoying watching this show now. We’re onto disc 2 of season 1 and I find myself wanting to know what happens next. Is it a gateway drug? What’s next, Survivor XXI? Brain…

  • What I have learned from watching the first few episodes of "Lost" Season 1

    When on a plane: Either get drunk or high Wear your seatbelt Learn tranceiver repair. Now. Other than that, the great experiment is not working out too well. I don’t think I’m a Lost fan. Mr.Plain wants to give it a few more episodes, but I’m thinking I want to move to Nip/Tuck now… On…

  • Will I become one of "them"?

    I have lost the power to resist it, and the first season of Lost is now at the top of my Netflix queue. Mr. Plain and I were talking about how CSI is just all tired out and really a waste of TiVO space. 3 shows a week is a big commitment to dead bodies,…

  • When I'm having a bad day

    This is STILL the funniest commercial ever! Whenever I’m having a stressful day I can just watch this a couple of times and after about the 3rd viewing I’m chuckling. I always feel better. It doesn’t hurt that the music is great too. Is this a sign that I have a weak mind? I don’t…