Ways Chip believes us to be less than capable parents and, well, human beings.

Most days Chip feels that Mr. Plain and I are adequate parents. More than adequate, in fact. He loves us quite a bit.

But there are a couple of areas he thinks we could improve on. For example, he loves our cat Bob, but he looks at the contents of his food bowl and concludes that we are feeding him “rocks.” I can tell him over and over that no, it is “cat food” but the closest I’ll get him to repeat is “cat food… rocks.” Sigh. Another stubborn child. What have I done to deserve this?

Another area concerns my dad. Well, his dog. He has a dog named “Dot” but Chip is convinced that her name is “dog.” So now Chip really looks down his nose at me because I am the offspring of someone who couldn’t even be bothered to name his own dog.

It is really hard to go through every day of my life knowing that I have already let down a TWO YEAR OLD.






4 responses to “Ways Chip believes us to be less than capable parents and, well, human beings.”

  1. pelf Avatar


    Change the name of the dog to something not so similar to “dog” (e.g. Guz, Coffee) so that Chip can tell that it’s a name, instead of a “noun”.

  2. Sara Avatar

    Too funny!!

    No worries, you are in good company. Brendan is well-known for his “Omg, are you stupid?” looks, and hubby and I have been on the receiving end of them MANY a time.

  3. Elizabeth Avatar

    I busted out laughing at that last line!! I’m convinced that my 17 month old daughter is already smarter than me. Like, SCARY smart :)

  4. Robin Avatar

    I think Chip has a future in stand-up comedy. You should let him start watching ‘The Daily Show.’

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