Why do people think that you should get special service just because you've chosen to procreate?

… I thought I’d continue the “cranky” theme & mood I’ve been in …

I keep reading posts from people who get so bent out of shape about others not helping them out when they have their kids with them. My biggest problem with these kinds of complainers? They make the rest of us parents look like incompetent fools who can’t handle our own responsibilities.

I do have some expectations of others when I’m out in public with my kids. For example, please refrain from yelling obscenities or knocking my kids down. Basically the same things I want you to do whether there are kids around or not.

But I don’t expect you to open the door for us, or help carry my bags in the airport, or let us cut in front of you at Costco, or any of the other incidents I’ve read people complain about.

I chose to have 3 kids. If others feel like giving me a hand, I consider that an AMAZING bonus and it makes my freaking day! But if not, I’ll manage just fine. I’m the Mom. That’s my job.






7 responses to “Why do people think that you should get special service just because you've chosen to procreate?”

  1. Peg Avatar

    Count me as cranky too! I just can’t imagine expecting the world to pick up my slack…

  2. Diana Avatar

    A-freakin-men, sister!

  3. Suzanne Avatar

    I don’t know. I think sometimes it is nice to offer to help, especially if the kids are clearly losing it. It’s easier for me to let them cut in line ahead of me than to listen to a kid shreik at the top of her lungs for 10 minutes. Which means it’s more about making my life easier than the parent…

  4. sherry Avatar

    I mostly agree with you. The one thing that pisses me off is when I have bags and a stroller with a baby and a kid and someone can clearly see me struggling with a door and they either walk right past or they just stand there and wait like I’M going to hold it for THEM. That’s not so much because I’m a mother though, I get irritated when someone doesn’t hold a door for me when I’m alone just because I think it’s polite to hold the door instead of letting it crash back into someone’s face.

    But yeah, I would never expect to cut ahead in line. Someone offered once and I was incredibly grateful but I don’t automatically think I should get to go ahead of someone just because I have my kids with me.

  5. Plain Jane Mom Avatar

    I love it when people are kind to me. And I’m not so jaded and beaten down that I don’t expect people to be nice.

    I just get frustrated when parents act like it is their right to have the world revolve around them and their children.

  6. Jennifer Avatar

    I have more patience for people with kids while shopping. It’s the yuppies that abandon carts in the middle of the aisle that I want to beat into a bloody pulp. THEY have no reason to be morons. A frazzled looking mom with three kids to wrangle while also trying to navigate the aisles of Costco while trying to get everything on her list without murdering one or three of her children. She really should get whatever the hell she wants. NOW.

  7. Soccer Dad Avatar

    I agree – if you want to help and I need it – GREAT! Otherwise – well I chose to have kids and bring them with me :) When I have to hit Costco to restock our soccer league concession stand, it’s usually a LOT of stuff (big flat bed cart) and I usually have the 2 yr old and 4 yr old with me because I can’t ever seem to coordinate getting to Costco in the morning when they’re at preschool :)

    Anyway – it’s always so funny when I truck around Costco with 20+ cases of drinks, boxes of snacks, and two little boys who just LOVE to ride on the cart. “You’re a saint for bringing them by yourself” always makes me laugh because 90% of the time, the kids are REALLY good. I always reply “Nah – only when I have all four of them”

    We chose to have four kids (well with a somewhat loose definition of ‘chose’ ;) ) and count our lucky stars that we have them. I dont’ expect anyone to pity me because I bring my kids shopping. Now if one or more are having the fit of a lifetime in the middle of the store and I’m struggling to get out – looks of sympathy are fine – but anything you can do to help me get out FASTER will only make your day better :)

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