Yo, Rescue Pack! and other games

My kids can make a game out of anything. As you know, we stood in line for-freaking-ever on Sunday for flu shots. When we got home I heard Mike and Robbie out in the yard:

this is a really long line.

the doctor is going to help us stay healthy this year.

here comes spiderman!

And so on, now with more Revisionism! The way their pretend doctor visit ended was much better than the real one. They also have many games dealing with the TV shows they watch. Especially Go, Diego Go and Jack’s Big Music Show.

But the game they have played for the longest time is called “babies in our tummies.” I guess my pregnancy with Chip came at a particularly impressionable time for them, because this popular game shows no signs of fading away.

Want to play “babies in our tummies”? It’s easy, here’s how.

  1. Grab a stuffed animal — at our house it is usually Grover and Elmo — and stick it under your shirt.
  2. Run around yelling “there’s a baby in my tummy!!”
  3. Crash into your brother and roll around on the floor until someone cries.
  4. repeat…

As part of Chip’s Continuing Education series in how to be a Plain Boy, he likes to play this game too. But he has no idea what is going on. He’ll grab a “baby” and run around the house shrieking. He’ll throw in the word “Yikes” since that is, who knows why, what Robbie yells when he’s running in the house.

Chip is a good mimic, but he frequently cracks me up because he gets things so out of context. For example, last night at dinner he said “mo wawa peese” pause “sure!” pause “da doo” (that’s ‘thank you’) pause “yo wecome”. Neat and easy for me, all I had to do was pour water and he took care of the conversational chores. Handy kid!





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