Tag: johnson & johnson

  • So why did J&J send me to New Jersey anyway?

    As promised, I’m updating you lovelies on my hilarity-filled trip back East courtesy of Johnson & Johnson. Approximately 56 bloggers converged on poor, unsuspecting New Brunswick, New Jersey for “Camp Baby.” (I can’t really comment on any of the pre-hoopla controversies since my arrangements went very smoothly, but head over to CityMama, Queen of Spain…

  • What happens at Camp Baby, stays at Camp Baby. Not.

    Here I am in New Jersey at Johnson & Johnson’s Camp Baby. Will it be a controversy-filled couple of days? Will it be akin to being trapped in the world’s longest time-share high-pressure sales pitch? Will it be a Shangrila of sisterhood and chocolate? Or will it be, as I suspect, a perfectly reasonable 3…