Tag: problogger

  • A great way to interact with the commenters on your blog

    I’ve had a post in draft for two weeks about a new WordPress plugin I’m using, but I kept holding off on publishing it because I thought it might be too techy (read: “boring”) for my personal blog. However, I’ve recently seen a few posts out there by people searching for answers to the problem…

  • Go Read It Today, Friday, January 4, 2008

    Hey, did you know that ThisIsMeMaria was back? I didn’t — and check out why I missed her. I laughed! I’m her friend now! I actually laughed so hard I cried, so I guess that makes me a friend who calls you up in the middle of the night weeping. Hmmm. Yay, I can’t wait…

  • Go Read It Today, Wednesday, September 5, 2007

    Thank God our government is on the ball. I hate to think of the consequences otherwise. “Take this plane to Cuba, or I’ll get the ‘It’s A Small World’ song stuck in your head!” (Side note, do people hijack planes to Cuba anymore?) Go congratulate Megan on getting quoted in the Sacramento Bee for her…

  • Go Read It Today, Monday, April 30, 2007

    First of all, the idea of boarding preschool crossed my mind yesterday, and that pretty much sums up my Sunday afternoon. Go do a tap dance or something for Jennifer. Go see if Archer is feeling any better. “BUT, HER BOOBS! THEY’RE GONE! HOW CAN SHE BE BREASTFEEDING A BABY LIKE THAT?!” Assvice at its…