Tag: rss

  • Enlighten me. Open me up to something new. Expand my horizons.

    In case you missed it, over at Linksational (formerly Go Read It Today) I link out to blog posts that I think deserve more attention. But lately I feel like I keep linking to the same sites over and over again — I need some fresh meat! So. In the comments below, please leave me…

  • Go Read It Today, Friday, November 9, 2007

    SNORT! And Wendy has gone Hollywood :) Congrats woman — you deserve it! Oh fuck. I’ve been there and it is awful. Sigh. I love lolcats best of all. But lolcats with nuts? Even better. (Lately I’ve gotten more than the usual number of requests to be included in a GRIT post. Step one: read…

  • You freaking awesome bloggers asked for it, you freaking awesome bloggers got it.

    Do you meet the criteria of being a Freaking Awesome blogger? Then let your freak flag fly and use this ever so lovely badge on your blog with pride! Just copy/paste what’s below and you’re good to go. Let me know if you’re having trouble. UPDATE: more badge sizes are now available. <div style=”text-align:center;”><a href=”http://blog.erikajurney.com/freakingawesome/”><img…

  • Partial list of freaking awesome bloggers who use full feeds

    Dooce Amalah Izzy Busymom Joy Unexpected Dad Gone Mad Oh, the Joys Queen of Spain The Zero Boss Suburban Turmoil Julia Confessions of a Pioneer Woman Ann Douglas MetroDad … the list could go on and on, but I’m tired of copy-pasting… This is just a tiny sample of a few well-known bloggers who offer…

  • Another reason to publish full feeds instead of truncated summaries…

    In addition to caring about your readers, you can get yourself into “interesting” situations when you truncate your posts in your RSS feed. In fact, sometimes the truncation ends at the end of a sentence, and I think that I’ve read the whole post. Until I happen to see it on the web site at…

  • Why I publish using full feeds, and sploggers, scrapers, and other thieves bedamned.

    Last September I blogged about Bitacle and how they were stealing people’s blog content and making money from it. The “fix” I recommended was to stop publishing full-posts in your feed and just publish the first few sentences. I was wrong, and here’s why I do all my blog reading in a feed reader. When…

  • Don't hate your Blogger friends

    Did you open up your Bloglines/Google Reader/Feed whoosit today and see a bunch of your pals with 25 or so new posts? No, it’s not NaBlowPoHo run amok. Google made some changes to blogger/blogspot blogs today and one of the effects was that everyone’s ‘feeds’ got re-published. All you need to do is make sure…