Tag: Shaun-of-the-Dead

  • Sigh, I had such high hopes for "Hot Fuzz"

    I loved the movie Shaun of the Dead so much, and when I heard that the same folks had a new movie coming out I was very excited. Sadly, we saw it last Saturday night and it was really, really bad. All I wanted was to see a good goofball comedy, but it wasn’t particularly…

  • Go Read It Today, Friday, April 13, 2007

    AAHHHH! Run and hide! It is Friday the Thirteenth! Here’s a tip: watch Shaun of the Dead. Your day won’t have been worse than theirs, and you will have watched one of my all-time favorite movies. A surprisingly depressing brilliant idea. “Poor Big Son looked stricken. ‘Mom……,’ he mumbled, ‘it’s………….your butt.’” Way to kick ass…