Tag: splog

  • Another reason to publish full feeds instead of truncated summaries…

    In addition to caring about your readers, you can get yourself into “interesting” situations when you truncate your posts in your RSS feed. In fact, sometimes the truncation ends at the end of a sentence, and I think that I’ve read the whole post. Until I happen to see it on the web site at…

  • Why I publish using full feeds, and sploggers, scrapers, and other thieves bedamned.

    Last September I blogged about Bitacle and how they were stealing people’s blog content and making money from it. The “fix” I recommended was to stop publishing full-posts in your feed and just publish the first few sentences. I was wrong, and here’s why I do all my blog reading in a feed reader. When…

  • Bitacle update (you know, the blog thieves)

    Don’t know what bitacle is? If you have a blog you should find out. Check out my first post. I’ll wait… OK, so the .htaccess stuff that people suggested never worked for me. They still got through, and I had to go to 100 character truncated feeds. That solved the problem of them stealing future…

  • Why is bitacle stealing all our blogs??

    And even better, they’re making money by taking our content and then putting Google ads on it. Check this out to see what I mean: http://en.bitacle.org/blogs/viewblog/xgeipfww0/33?usrmode=1 That’s my post from yesterday. Does it say ‘Plain Jane Mom’ anywhere? Nope. Creepy, right? Here are more: good blog stolen content Motherhood Uncensored http://en.bitacle.org/blogs/viewblog/wwayosny0/72?usrmode=1 Suburban Turmoil http://bitacle.org/blogs/viewblog/1f6cvvug0/11?usrmode=1 Friday…