Category: From

  • I love handmade things. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    OK folks, I’m really excited because it’s time to take the wraps off my new baby! I love love love buying things from real people who make stuff with their own two hands, and I am also a faithful Etsy shopper. Combine these two facts with my terminal case of Compulsive Blogging Personality Disorder (CBPD)…

  • Sunday Morning just isn't the same

    Tim Russert 1950 – 2008. You know of my respect for Tim Russert, and this is a very sad day. Such a loss to his family, his colleagues, the level of political discourse in our country.

  • 12 seconds of awesome

    No politics today. Instead I’m blogging about poop like a good little mommyblogger. My dad shot this on his cell phone in about 2004 when Ed was a little guy with a big musical soul. And a guitar.

  • Agree? Disagree? Abstain?

  • Finally.

    I can exhale a little now. Next up: the frakking superdelegates and choosing a running mate. Will my head explode? Let’s find out. Photo: Scott Olson / Getty Images via MSNBC.

  • A snippet of (my) married life

    Another week, another date night. Find out the answers to some deep questions, get a review of the new Indiana Jones movie, see what happens when I sit next to a sad and pathetic man, and so much more (!).

  • It's Showtime!

    How is he supposed to make it big on the dance circuit with his little brother horning in on the spotlight? Another in my series of less-than-a-minute videos. Can jazz hands be far behind?

  • I'm very proud.

    I love seeing Henry doing something which gives him so much joy and confidence.

  • I guess I took this 'holiday' thing a little too far

    We just had a three day weekend, and it seems I got a little too relaxed. See if you can figure out which two boys had to wear their little brother’s PJs to bed last night. Whoops. Doing laundry on a regular basis is overrated.

  • They've got PMS all wrong

    I think in fact that there are 3 weeks of every month when women are pumped full of hormones which mask just how completely irritating other people are.

  • What could turn me to the Dark Side

    I’m over at PunditMom‘s today junking up her cogent political discourse with my goofball claptrap. But it’s just as well since I don’t have two brain cells to rub together. I just got back from taking Charlie to another laser eye procedure, and while it went well and the doctor thinks it will help his…

  • Why I love Saturday night

    We’ve got an amazing sitter who comes every Saturday night from 6-11pm. He’s a great guy who has been a preschool teacher for decades, and each of our kids was in his class when they were about 2. It is a huge extravagance, but it is worth it for us to be able to walk…

  • So what do we eat around here anyway?

    Update: I now have a recipe blog which has great low-carb, high protein dishes. Check it out and let me know what you think :) Delishix Yeah, I know… No one cares what I had for lunch, BUT they didn’t say anything about breakfast. Plus, Kara asked. So with that, the first installment of Erika…

  • OK. Everyone get out your remote controls. Now point them at me.

    Hey folks, I’ve got a crazy idea. Ask me some questions and I’ll answer them on video. What do you want to know? Want to see anything special at my house, my office, my city? Let me know and I’ll see what I can do. You can think of it kind of like Erika on…

  • Get your Vimeo videos to appear in Google Reader

    You may have noticed that I recently started adding video to this blog, and I’m having a great time with it! One of the services that has made it even more fun is Vimeo. They’re like YouTube but they don’t suck ass. It’s a great looking web site, intuitable and just all around ‘good-feeling’ interface,…

  • Everyone get down with the new. The improved. The better than ever. KiRTSY!

    Hell yeah, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, the fabulous ladies of Sk*rt have been reborn as: Before you go out and change your Sk-rt links, please drop by kirtsyand give these ladies a pat on the back. And some tequila. They completely deserve it for having been level-headed and just plain SMART during…

  • I'm not really sure how to write this post without sounding like a massive tool

    Close to a month ago Sony flew me and about a dozen other bloggers out to southern California for a digital imaging ho-down. They put us up in a fabulous hotel, treated us to free food, spa treats, and best of all: free camera gear and great training. To assuage my guilt over being given…

  • Kindergarten visit: smashing success

    When we first got to the school, Eddie was pretty nervous. It turns out that on Wednesdays the 5th graders get to eat lunch in the Kindergarten yard while the Kinders are elsewhere. Eddie took one look at what he thought was a group of his gargantuan future classmates and almost swallowed his tongue! By…

  • Slow down. You're only five one time.

    Oh Eddie, I know… You’re the one who has always said you can’t wait to be a grownup. You, my most kid-like kid. You crack me up! You’ll get there soon enough, but for now please just try to enjoy the things that will never come again, like losing a tooth and being the center…

  • Documenting my bad parenting with a bad video

    Way back when we only had one child I used to do things like make little movies about him. Those were the days. I present to you today “Walk It Off” featuring my oldest son Henry as a baby: Why yes, I was deliriously sleep-deprived. Why do you ask?

  • It's a baby shower!

    When I was pregnant with my second child, so many people told me that having two kids was going to be so much harder than just one. Like I hadn’t just assumed that from the beginning? Even being whacked out on pregnancy hormones I was able to understand that logic, and it took every ounce…