Your "good mommy" challenge for today

So every Monday Mike’s teacher sends home a lot (maybe all?) of the work he’s done in school. I love it because I get to see the wide range of things they’re studying in kindergarten, and he really likes showing off what he’s done.

There are some days, however, when I am at a loss for something he’s written. I’m totally on-board with the whole “sound it out” theory of learning to spell, but in some cases I do have to ask him the ever so insulting question “Hey, so what does this say?”

I’ll show you an example. Here’s a little booklet he brought home today.


Cute, right? Inside he’d drawn pictures with captions such as “MOON” and “MASK” but then there was this:



Norwegian for migraine? A city in the Ukraine? I had no idea and I had to ask. When he told me, it made perfect sense, but I don’t think I would have ever come up with it on my own.

So here’s the test. Are you a better mommy than I am? What do you think it says?






28 responses to “Your "good mommy" challenge for today”

  1. Kate Avatar


  2. ali Avatar

    merry go round is a GREAT guess!!!

  3. bellevelma Avatar

    Not a clue. My son is doing the same thing at school. At least yesterday he brought home one I could decipher. I was so proud of myself… it said “I I’m mad at my find and my find is sad.” Translated beyond Kindergarten it means “I am mad at my friend and my friend is sad.” He

    drawn a picture of himself with an angry face and his friend with a crying face, and written their names above each figure so that helped clue me in too. But most of the other stuff, I’m lost.

  4. MamaLee Avatar

    My son, who is in Kindergarten, brings home the same things. It’s so cute to see them try hard to spell.

    Not sure if it’s Merry go round. Maybe something like “my egg ___”

    I don’t know!

    Let us know, please!

  5. MammaLoves Avatar

    I’m a total failure…but merry-go-round is a fabulous guess.

    Do tell!!

  6. Lora Avatar

    Oh, I think you are right, merry go round. Look at the visual he drew. You are good.

  7. Velveteen Mind Megan Avatar

    I feel like this is a game of Mad Gab. I keep trying to say it out loud different ways, in case I’ll hear myself saying it right.

    Come on! What is it?

  8. super des Avatar

    My grade?

    Though I’m not a mommy so I don’t have any experience in this field.

  9. Devon Avatar

    Oh…the anticipation is killing me!! I’m horrible at this stuff. What is it?

  10. karrie Avatar

    I also think it says My Grade.

  11. Dawn @ Coming to a Nursery Near You Avatar

    Well, of COURSE I can – it’s the secret language of children! It actually says “testing – testing – can you read this? If you can, that means you have the intellect of a 5-6 year old and can totally comprehend what I’m trying to say here. Now, go find mommy’s special drawer and investigate. Is she having company? Now would be a good time to go and ask her “What does THIS do, mommy”.

    You’re welcome :)

  12. Andrea Avatar

    I was going to say I have no clue. Heck, I can’t understand what my almost-20-year-old writes sometimes. (Oh God, hold me…)

    But merry go round is probably it. Doh!

  13. Kara Avatar

    hmm…no idea. But Merry go round seems like a great guess!

  14. Sherry Avatar

    My initial thought was also my grade, but now that others have said merry-go-round, it makes sense considering the picture.

  15. bglambaby Avatar

    Hmmmmm! My first thought was my grade also. As a former third grade teacher, I just looked at the letters he had written and sounded them out as a child would. My daughter is also in Kindergarden and I experience the same things. I have to say it was much easier reading a third graders (spell it like you hear it) word than my daughters. I’m dying to know what this word is!

  16. Jennifer Avatar

    I think the idea of merry-go-round is genius! Otherwise, I have no idea!

  17. PunditMom Avatar

    I’m glad that PunditGirl’s spelling is past that phase! She’d get so upset if I couldn’t “read” what she wrote. But I think the drawing is the giveaway for merry-go-round. I bet you’re going to tell us it’s something completely different!

  18. Teri Avatar

    I was thinking “migrate” but then again why would they be teaching that word to a kindergarten class?? But in this day and age you never know…

  19. Redneck Mommy Avatar

    Looks like a pumpkin to me, but that’s the wrong damn letter…

    So, I suck as a mom dechiper-er.

  20. dana Avatar

    I think it says “my grade”, too! I was trying to sound it out.

  21. Myla Avatar

    The first thing I was thinking was, “migraine” but I think it says, “my grade”.


  22. AbsolutelyBananas Avatar

    that’s a HARD ONE!

    I’ve been sitting here for 10 minutes trying to figure it out, and I think I’m gonna have to go with “my grade”

  23. Nicole/wksocmom Avatar

    Hmm, I don’t think my kindergartner knows about grades. I’m gonna say my merry go round, Mine does “creative spelling” in Spanish so they don’t even make me guess.

  24. Rebecca Avatar

    shoot, the only better one i can come up with is Mardi Gras…and that makes NO sense.

  25. Christina Avatar

    Wow the anticipation kills!!!

  26. crunchycarpets Avatar

    Adam writes a random bunch of letters and then asks what they spell..he looks at me like I am a total moron when I don’t know.

  27. Plain Jane Mom Avatar

    OK, all were great guesses. To me, the picture looks like a pumpkin, but that’s not even close.

    When I asked him what it said he looked at me like I was the dumbest person in the universe and said “Can’t you just read it??”

    I said that unfortunately I could not, so he sighed and told me:

    Merry Go Round


  28. Dallas >^^ Avatar

    son of plain jane mom is just awesome

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